Sunday, February 15, 2009


I used to not dream at all... Now I can't stop. I dream about death, happiness, music, love....
The other night, I had a dream... I was an Otaku, or a gamer, and I played a video game for a couple of hours with this friend of mine. His mom called and bitched and he had to leave. The walls then morphed into a castle chamber. I was in a tower surrounded by clouds that you could walk on, and the friend was in the chamber with me. He told me that I had fallen morbidly ill, and that during my unconciousness, the castle was where I was to reside. It looked like a pretty sweet gig to me, so I didn't object, although I was a tad bit scared.
I s'pose I stayed unconcious for a couple of months, because I never left the castle. The friend showed me I could control the weather, by thinking of the weather pattern I wanted and then touching my right index finger to the cloud. The only catch was, if I didn't get off the cloud by the time that the weather pattern began, I would fall through the cloud and die.
It was pretty cool, and I enjoyed spending time with my friend, who never left my side. There was no hunger, and I had everything I needed in that one, spacey room.
Well, after the few months, my friend approached me with a serious look on his face and told me I had two options: one, I could go back down to the realm of the living, where I would still be sick, and be able to feel all of the pain that was in my body because I would be concious, or I could follow him into the sun and not have to feel hunger, sorrow, pain, or anything negative ever again.
I didn't know what to do. I guess by this time, I had fallen in love with the boy, and I didn't want to leave him, but I still wanted my family to be happy. I was sure they'd understand if I followed him out of love, but... I was scared. I didn't know what lay beyond the sun.... I tried to think of what it was and nothing came to mind... just black. I asked him if I could explain to my family the situation, and he told me that wasn't one of my options.
That's when I woke up. I still don't know whether I would've chosen to be in pain with my family or with my love for the rest of eternity....